Thursday, October 11, 2007

Engaging Students with Concept Mapping

In competing the concept mapping project, I learned a lot more about the various ways that concept mapping can be applied into the classroom. Students can use the maps to organize their ideas for a project or paper, break down large ideas into several smaller ones or to demonstrate knowledge of a specific area or topic.

Concept mapping can be helpful in engaging students in their leanring in that it is a visual activity to organize ones thoughts and ideas. For students who struggle with forming thoughts and things in their heads, the concept map provides a way for them to visually and actively place the information in a pleasing and organized manner.

Concept mapping may change the way students can demonstrate that they understand a concept or topic by mapping out the information. They would have to recognize the main point of the concept, then organize the supporing information and details around it, connecting them to the main idea and other supporing details.