Monday, September 24, 2007

Blogs in Education

Using Yahoo, Dogpile and AskJeeves, I ran a search for Educational Blogs. The results that I found were all very similar regardless of which search engine. Most of the pages that popped up were the most popular Educational Blogs that are visited on the web, so it would make sense that they are commonly pulled up on these multiple search engines.
Today, blogs are being used for students, teachers and other educators to be able to interact with one another and better their own education and the education of their students. Teachers are able to communicate with other teachers in order to develop better lesson plans and learn from one another’s teaching methods. Also, students are able to access the educational blogs to further their education and get a better understanding of topics or lessons they are working on. The blogs offer information, exercises and strategies which may help students who are struggling to get a better understanding of the tasks they are asked to perform. Blogs are also resourceful to parents in similar ways that they are for students. Parents looking for tools and resources to further help their children’s learning are able to access these educational blogs and communicate with teachers and other parents and students who have experience with similar things.
RSS readers and aggregators are resources that sort information scanned and contained in multiple sites at once. They can sort the sites and resources found by title, brief description or by a combination of the two. I think that I would probable use both, but I like the way that aggregators sort the findings into a time-ordered list.

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