Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Technology

Technology has no doubt become an important tool in todays world. We use computers and the internet daily for both educational and communication related purposes. Though computers are used for a variety of purposes, their importance in the classroom is becomming more and more important. Technology is supported by many of Gardner's multiple intelligences and has become an essential learning tool for many students.

Verbal-linguistic intelligence is enhanced though the new and publications that are posted everyday around the world. Similar to how once newspapers increased ones knowledge of the world as well as their vocabulary, computers now do that too.

Science and math can be made colorful and interactive on the internet. Games are created to assist children in these subject areas that are as fun as their video games at home, but that serve an important educational role. Making these more challenging subjects fun by turning them into interactive games demonstrates the mathematical-logical intelligence.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligance is supported in technology in the way that games such as tetris and "pong" require some motor skill and ability to react quickly to the game. Also, science websites where you can "create" simple machines online and see how they work is also kinsethetic.

Students in todays generation have grown up with television being a major part of their daily lives. Because of this, students have become very visual learners, learning best from video, slides and powerpoint presentations. Techology allows for many different types of visual stimulation to occur in the classroom from a slide show to the cameras that can display printed images and reflect them onto the screen for everyone to see.

As you can see, technology is an essential educational tool and multiple intellegences are supported and developed through its use.

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